When Soprema was called in to renovate a leaking concrete roof in Sydney, it took on the challenge to reinstate the roof waterproofing and deliver a headache free roof system for the future.
The building in question had been plagued with leakages for many years. Several other rectification methods were tried without success.
The renovation solution was a challenge as the problem had several causes.
In the first place, there was insufficient fall in the concrete roof slab. The second issue was that there might be an interstitial condensation issue and finally the solution could not add too much weight to the roof structure.
Soprema, together with remedial construction and waterproofing professional Wayne Lloyd of Enduroflex Pty Ltd and DuO Certified Applicators Colin and David from Redback Waterproofing Pty Ltd, came together to take on the challenge and design, deliver & install the perfect and long-term solution for the roof.
The insufficient fall was solved by installing a high quality tapered polyisocyanurate insulation board that was pre-manufactured to reinstate the falls on the roof.
By using a light-weight insulation board no significant additional weight was added on top of the roof slab.
The existing waterproofing was left in place and now acts as a vapour barrier under the new thermal insulation layer.
The tapered insulation layer provided extra thermal resistance to the roof creating a
n energy cost saving and hence a return on investment for the building owner. The added insulation also assists to move the dew point from under the roof to above the roof.
In order to stop the leakage once and for all, a new, two layer DuO waterproofing system was installed on top of the thermal insulation board in order to create a warm roof concept.
The DuO waterproofing system consists of a partially bonded, self-adhesive waterproofing base sheet DeboTack 2.5 T/F C175 Aero and the proven DuO High Tech Firecare membrane finished with aesthetical anthracite granules.
The end-result looks like a painting and the building owner gained the following advantages by investing in this system:
New fall so elimination of ponding water on the roof.
Extra thermal insulation that helps save energy cost.
Increased fire safety of the building by adding a fire-retardant DuO Firecare membrane.
A return on his investment due to those dollars saved by using less energy.
A state of the art waterproofing system – no more leaks.
A safe and insurance-backed material warranty.
The building owners now have a new roof system that solved the waterproofing leaks once and for all.
Due to the involvement of Redback Waterproofing as a Certified DuO waterproofing applicator with quality control by Enduroflex, combined with the engineering support provided by Soprema, the client has received an insurance-backed material warranty from Soprema as manufacturer. This type of warranty is not so common in Australia and proves that the combination of engineering support, quality material and experienced applicators with a passion for DuO can really make a leakage headache go away forever.