Learn about the different products we have available:

At first sight, DuO looks like any ordinary roofing roll. But DuO is more than that. DuO is a concept: the most high-performance roof membrane that modern technology can produce. And it’s all based around – you guessed it – bitumen. At the same time, DuO is one of the most daring concepts yet, because up to now nobody has ever managed to combine hard TPO and soft SBS. Today, this achievement has been turned into millions of square metres of watertight roll roofing that is used on the most prestigious projects around the world.

SBS (styrene butadiene styrene)
This modified bitumen is applied on both sides of a support (glass fibre, fabric, polyester fleece or a composite). This membrane offers superior elasticity and is an ideal solution for roofs with high mechanical load or when temperatures fluctuate a lot.

APP (atactic polypropylene)
APAO, APP, TPO (polymer) based modified bitumen which is applied on both sides of a support (glass fibre, fabric, polyester fleece or a composite). The main advantages of this membrane are its high plasticity, its excellent UV- and thermal stability, and the fact that it can be walk upon well.

SAS (self adhesive system)
This product group responds to the demand for a self-adhesive vapour screen with a (polyester, aluminium, aluminium grid,…) reinforced self-adhesive underlayer. SAS has amazing adhesive strength, allowing the professional user to make a perfectly waterproof vapour screen or underlayer, without the need to burn. The result is a safe, flameless installation.

PB (polymer bitumen)
Polymer bitumen membrane, available in a wide range of BENOR-certified products. Can only be used as an underlayer by professional roofers.

BYP (accessory products)
De Boer is your ‘one-stop-shopping point’ for all roofing accessories and roofers tools. A wide selection of quality products for the professional, with proven reliability and a very good price-quality ratio. We have most products in stock, so you won’t need to wait for them.
For more information please contact our office on 02 9979 5670 or email us at sales@enduroflex.com.au